TLC 21

brings together creative artists, community members, researchers and educators into mutually enriching partnerships. The projects apply an integrated model of community strengthening, education and research. The concept of Deep Listening underpins all our work. Deep Listening involves listening respectfully in ways which build community.

The key consultants of TLC21 are Dr Laura Brearley and Terry Melvin, both of whom have over thirty years’ experience in their fields.

Dr Laura Brearley is a researcher, event manager, community development practitioner, singer and song-writer. She has worked extensively with members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Terry Melvin is a documentary film-maker and photographer. He is a registered psychologist, photographer and film-maker, specialising in the community sector.

Laura and Terry work collaboratively with members of The Living Circle who have participated in projects involving Deep Listening over the last sixteen years.

For information about quotes and costings of projects, contact us directly.